
Tuesday, 6 April 2010


My initial enthusiasm for ThinkFree Office has been slightly dented by the slow performance I've experienced in the word processor this morning. I typed two lines of text - screen updating was sluggish at first but then improved. When I tried to select the two lines of text, I found it quite difficult - I triple-clicked the top line and selected it, but then couldn't get any reaction when I tried to select the second line as well. The entire interface seemed to have frozen. Now that I've just returned to it, the performance is much better, and I was able to drag and select what I wanted with no problems. Perhaps these are temporary glitches. Onward.

The font selection is quite impressive, I've used some of them as well as some colors. I decided to add some clip art. This necessitated the installation of some files and everything slowed down again. Even writing this blog post became impossible. But finally, my four-leaf clover appeared in the document, and I imagine that in future, it won't take so long.

Above is the result of my experimentation.

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