
Tuesday, 16 March 2010

The missing LinkedIn

I'll admit it - I've had a LinkedIn account for some time but have not used it much. I had a general impression that it was quite corporate, and much more serious than Facebook. However, because of 23 Things, I've gone back to the site, and seen that it is not all grey pin-stripes. However, it still can't offer anything as diverting as Cafe World. But I digress...

Being connected to a large network of contacts has many advantages - especially, I imagine, for a freelancer who needs to find prospective clients and provide trusted recommendations. And of course if one were looking for a job it would be a real asset.

I keep having to remind myself that Web 2.0 sites don't stand still, but change over time, adding features and shifting focus. Something that was initially underwhelming can become incredibly useful. And vice versa, a once promising site can be taken over by celebrity gossip and advertising (yes Technorati, I am talking to you.)

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