
Monday 22 February 2010

Mmmm, delicious.

I've had a delicious account for some time but admit to not paying enough attention to it beyond periodically having a huge clearout of tags I no longer need. It was a pleasant surprise to see that delicious now has the domain name so one no longer needs to type in the trickier I tagged the bookmark for my blog with ox23 and then searched on that tag to see what other participants had been saving - a neat way to organize all the bookmarks associated with an event, I hadn't thought of using tagging this way before.

I have been trying out the Google Chrome browser recently, but it doesn't yet have full-featured delicious tools like those for IE and Firefox, and this is a real if temporary drawback. I have gotten used to having my tag bundles across the top of my browser so that I can easily select the "media" bundle to check newspapers etc. I'm sure the tools will be along soon, but it made me realize how much I've come to rely on delicious.

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