
Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Libraries on Facebook

I decided to have a look at how some other libraries are using Facebook, so searched facebook "Pages" for "libraries". I was attracted by the magnolia flower icon of the Smithsonian Libraries in Washington D.C., so decided to visit their page. Because the Smithsonian Libraries consist of 20 individual libraries, they have a wealth of varied material to draw upon, and it looks as if they are good at keeping their page active by frequent posts that link their collections to current events. OK they may stretch it a little at times - National Noodle Month? But a nice example of this was their wall post about the new octopus at the National Zoo (which is also part of the Smithsonian) illustrated by a beautiful print of mollusks, and with a link to the zoo's octopus cam. I have to say that I quickly got drawn into the the Smithsonian's photostream on Flickr by following links from their wall posts.

Such a large group of libraries has many public events, so the Events tab in Facebook is a great place to inform their readers/Fans about them.

The Info tab was used well, it had a very good clear description of what the Smithsonian Libraries are, a bit about their history and current endeavours.

I will be going back to visit more library Facebook pages; I was very impressed by this one.

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